Research Journal for Societal Issues <p><strong>Research Journal for Societal Issues (RJSI), ISSN (P-</strong> <strong>2788-7219</strong><strong>) (E-</strong> <strong>2788-7227</strong><strong>) </strong>is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Each article accepted by peer review is made freely available online immediately upon publication, is published under a Creative Commons license and will be hosted online in perpetuity. Publication costs of the journal are covered by the collection of article processing charges which are paid by the funder, institution or author of each manuscript upon acceptance. There is no charge for submitting a paper to the journal.</p> <p>The Research Journal for Societal Issues (RJSI) is a quarterly blind peer reviewed journal. It was launched in 2019 with an objective of promoting research studies in Pakistan. Published by Universal Research Network (Pvt) Ltd. RJSI is dedicated to promotion of the culture of research and dissemination of quality research studies among institutions, universities, researchers, and students and to cater the works of educational practitioners, scholars and theorists to provide latest and innovative research material for national and international researchers community. The journal supports original and collaborative research from all parts of the world with the aim to develop a national and international community of researchers who believe in creating knowledge to improve quality and understanding of educational practice in diverse contexts.</p> <p><strong>Research Journal for Societal Issues (RJSI)</strong> is publishing Research Articles in the following domains.</p> <p>Education, Leadership &amp; Educational Leadership, Human, Society, Social Work, Mass Communication, Curriculum, Elementary, Secondary &amp; Higher Education, Management, Administration, Law, Library Work, Linguistic and Literature, Business, Economics, Sociology &amp; Psychology, IR, Home Arrangement, Political Science &amp; Physical Education</p> Universal Research Network (Pvt.) Ltd. en-US Research Journal for Societal Issues 2788-7219 Emotional Distress, Communication Patterns and Relationship Dissatisfaction among Married Couples <p><em>The purpose of the present study was to measure the relationship between the effects of emotional distress, communication patterns, and relationship dissatisfaction among married people. After the review of the literature, the following hypotheses were formulated. i. There would be a significant difference that prevailed between the effects of emotional distress, communication patterns, and relationship dissatisfaction among married people. ii. Emotional Distress would predict significant differences in communication patterns and relationship dissatisfaction among married people. iii. Communication patterns have a significant impact on relationship dissatisfaction among married people. iv. There would be a significant relationship between emotional distress, communication patterns, and relationship dissatisfaction among married people.&nbsp; In the current study total of 200 students will be included 100 females and 100 males. To calculate the data following psychological measures be used, the Communication Patterns Questionnaire</em><em>, </em><em>The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)</em><em>,</em><em> and Relationship Assessment Scale</em><em>. The results show that there is a significant relationship between emotional distress, communication patterns, and relationship dissatisfaction among married people. Results will be analyzed through SPSS’s latest version by Regression, T-test, and Pearson Correlation.</em></p> Shamaila Saleem Chaudhry Muhammad Luqman Khan Naheed Atta Copyright (c) 2024 Shumaila Saleem Chaudhry, Muhammad Luqman Khan, Naheed Atta 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 6 3 01 22 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.257 Life Skills Integration in English Textbook Grade 5: A Qualitative Content Analysis <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="EN-GB">This qualitative study focuses on integrating core life skills in Grade 5 English textbook that was purposively sampled. Applying qualitative content analysis supported by NVivo 14, the study explores how these essential skills are integrated into the textbook. The results show that communication, creativity, and critical thinking are given considerable attention. Such activities include creative writing assignments, reading and comprehension exercises, and dialogues. However, the study reveals some areas not covered extensively in teaching, such as negotiation, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. All 12 skills are introduced, but their integration level is inconsistent. The textbook offers a basis for life skills learning, but there is an opportunity for improvement as it concerns real-life situations. This study adds to the knowledge about integrating life skills in the primary education curriculum and the possible enhancements to the textbook in line with the UNICEF MENA framework.</span></em></p> Muhammad Jamil Muhammad Ahmad Hassan Danish Iqbal Godil Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Jamil, Muhammad Ahmad Hassan, Danish Iqbal Godil 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 6 3 23 34 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.255 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Political Advertising and Crisis Communication: A Case Study of AI-Generated Speech of a Political Leader <p><em>Artificial Intelligence has become a basic necessity in 20<sup>th</sup> century with the emergence of new AI tools and APPs. As artificial intelligence has occupied the functionality of major human based activities, its integration is also seeing a transformative shift in political advertising, especially in the creation of speeches and in communicating party agendas to the general public and plying a vital role in opinion making and agenda setting. AI is already being used all over the globe to tailor the political speeches keeping in view the interests of specific voter segments. Recently the use of AI in political advertising has seen a dramatic shift when Pakistan's imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan delivered an AI generated cloned speech that has stunned the nation. The AI-generated audio, which was played during a virtual rally of his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, featured a voice replicating Khan's, praising his supporters and urging people to vote for PTI in the upcoming general elections. This innovative use of technology has the potential to impact the political landscape for the upcoming general elections in Pakistan. In regard with the case study of Imran Khan’s AI generated speech, the aim of this research is to explore the effectiveness of his message conveyed through AI and its overall impact on the manipulation of public opinion and election campaign. This paper investigates public reactions and evaluates the effectiveness of delivering personalized messages through AI-driven content. This research also addresses the concerns related to privacy, manipulation, and the need for transparency in the development and deployment of AI-driven political advertising. This research study is conducted through a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research. Research data is obtained from the surveys and interviews of political analysts. Based on the results of research, it will be presenting to which extent AI should be used, what ethical considerations should be met and how a regulatory frame work should be there to keep an eye on the AI generated content.</em></p> Uzma Rubab Copyright (c) 2024 Uzma Rubab 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 6 3 35 45 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.258 Inclusive Education and Mental Health: Addressing the Psychological Needs of Students in Pakistani Schools <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="EN-US">This discussion paper examines the intersection of inclusive education and mental health in Pakistani schools with a special reference to the psychological needs of students. Although much attention has been paid to mental health, Pakistan's educational institutions might not fully address the needs of every student with psychological problems. In light of the current status of Pakistan's inclusive education practices, the paper outlines the challenges of implementing mental health support and suggests strategies for promoting an inclusive and psychologically safe environment at school. Based on the current literature and the specific context of the country of study, the discussion highlights such priorities as the necessity of teacher training, reduction of stigma, and cohesion between education and mental health workers. This paper also examines the impact of cultural factors, socio-economic differences, and government policies on the provision of inclusive education and mental health support to students in Pakistani schools. By expounding these critical issues, this paper attempts to extend knowledge and best practices for a more inclusive, psychologically safe learning environment in Pakistan to enhance students' learning and well-being.</span></em></p> Yasira Waqar Sumera Rashid Faisal Anis Yaar Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Yasira Waqar, Sumera Rashid, Faisal Anis, Yaar Muhammad 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 6 3 46 60 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.262 Creating a Sense of Place: A Proposal for Shopping Street of MM Alam Road, Lahore, Pakistan <p><em>Streets play an important role in Cities especially shopping streets as they determine the urban pattern, but Lahore still lags behind in this aspect of urbanization. Formerly, making a good street where people wanted to be was easier than it is today, because people didn`t have to compete with its own machines for a piece of space. Lahore has fallen victim to the same ideology. The motor cars have taken over all open spaces and sense of place is disrupted affecting people feelings and perception of a shopping street. This paper analyzes the street shopping and leisure activities associated to it in the city of Lahore. Primary focus is on the MM Alam Road, one of the most attractive shopping areas of the city. Although for many of the city dwellers, motorized transport is the primary mode of travelling from one place to another but every sensible and aware citizen realizes that it is taking us away from nature thus away from happiness. MM Alam Road is facing the same issue which is hampering it to become the best place of city for shopping, dining and leisure activities for the people. Detailed study was carried out of the existing conditions, local bye-laws and surveys were conducted regarding traffic flow, parking duration and origin/destination. It was found that MM Alam Road of Lahore had all the potential and physical characteristics that can provide livable place not only to local visitors but international tourists as well. Pedestrian’s facilities, street furniture, motorized traffic and mainly the parking issue needed to be resolved in befitting manner. The objective of the paper was to identify the lack of physical attributes hampering the sense of place and propose recommendations accordingly.</em></p> Abdul Mahad Kamal Muhammad Ilyas Malik Farah Jamil Seemin Aslam Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Mahad Kamal, Muhammad Ilyas Malik, Farah Jamil, Seemin Aslam 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 6 3 61 74 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.251 Empowering Teachers through Reflective Practice: A Pathway to Inclusive Classrooms in Pakistan <p><em>In this opinion paper, the authors consider the applicability of reflective practice for enhancing teachers’ ability to enforce decentralization in Pakistan schools. While there is a growing interest in practicing inclusive education, Pakistani teachers still encounter challenges in practicing the concepts of inclusive education. In this paper, we maintain that the application of reflective practice as part of teacher training and continuous professional development can fill this gap. Reflective practice makes teachers question their own beliefs, attitudes, and practices, thus creating inclusiveness and appropriate teaching-learning approaches. At length, we examine how a model of reflective practice can lead to the improvement of the teacher’s capacity in relation to diversity that may exist in a school, forming general positive approaches towards students in class, and eradicating learned narrowed and structural factors that hinder inclusion. With the help of the presentation of professional compliance and reflective models, Pakistan can go a long way toward a more friendly environment for education for all children, irrespective of their abilities and backgrounds.</em></p> Samina Safdar Yasira Waqar Faisal Anis Yaar Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Samina Safdar, Yasira Waqar, Faisal Anis, Yaar Muhammad 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 6 3 75 86 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.263 Leveraging Green Innovation to Foster Sustainable Development through Green Dynamic Capabilities <p><em>Green dynamic capabilities are crucial for sustainable development and have gained substantial scholarly as well as practitioners’ attention. Given the escalating concerns about climate change, resource depletion, and environmental stress, companies must address ecological issues and promote green innovation. The literature emphasizes the role of environmental management practices, institutional pressures, and government regulations in driving green innovation. Despite this, there is a significant knowledge gap regarding the influence of GDCs on sustainable development through green innovation, especially with environmental regulations as a moderating factor in manufacturing firms. Effective use of GDCs can alleviate sustainability challenges such as pollution and resource depletion. This study aims to investigate the impact of GDCs on sustainable development via green innovation, moderated by environmental regulations, offering new insights into the interplay between green dynamic capabilities green innovation, and sustainable development within manufacturing firms in Pakistan.&nbsp; Primary data through survey design was gathered from manufacturing firms publicly traded on Pakistan's stock exchange. After testing for assumptions, covariance-based structural equation modeling approach was used where measurement model and structural model were developed. The data validates the underlying factor structure, their loadings and then testing the proposed hypotheses for direct relation, mediation and moderation. The results indicate that green innovation mediates the impact of GDCs on sustainable development, with environmental regulations moderating the relationship between GDCs and green innovation. The findings present important implications for both theory and practice.</em></p> Naheed Shaban Talat Afza Sadaf Ehsan Rizwan Qaiser Danish Copyright (c) 2024 Naheed Shaban, Talat Afza, Sadaf Ehsan, Rizwan Qaiser Danish 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 6 3 87 105 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.264 Assessing Pedagogical Methods to Enhance Academic Motivation for Students with Hearing Impairments in Special Education Institutions <p><em>In this study, we explore various techniques used to increase student participation in special education classes for students with hearing problems. Our research examines how the teaching methods are used among public and private schools to build inclusive learning settings in depth. The report concludes that three main factors contribute significantly towards students’ engagement they include: total communication, interactive instruction modes, and personalized consideration. Additionally, this study highlights the influence of differing organizations of school funding on instructional differentiation and assistive technologies availability. As a result, recommendations have been made to strengthen professional development programs; ensure equitable distribution of resources and promote technological advancement for better learning experiences by students with hearing impairments.</em></p> Nida Khan Sajid Masood Copyright (c) 2024 Nida Khan, Sajid Masood 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 6 3 106 115 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.267 Indo-Pak Rivalry in Afghanistan After US Withdrawal In 2021 <p><em>The purpose of this research is to elucidate the role of India and Pakistan in Afghanistan as both are the neighborly and rivalry states. &nbsp;It's likely that the Taliban will continue to run things in Afghanistan. The Taliban took over the government of the nation, however, it is still not acknowledged on a global scale or in South Asia. The Taliban's control has harmed trade and the economy since the United States withdrew in August 2021 aggravated a terrible humanitarian crisis and raised questions about human security. Afghanistan and the West are concerned about the Taliban taking control again due to al-Qaeda's safe haven and involvement in the 9/11 attacks. The fact that India and Pakistan use proxies and development assistance to engage in conflict with one another in Afghanistan has important ramifications for their long-standing rivalry over Jammu and Kashmir also known as Kashmir. They actively review and plan to counteract each other's successes in Afghanistan by anticipating each other's actions and sphere of influence. Some people might see their interaction as zero-sum play or consider it from a strategic theory perspective. The security ramifications of Afghanistan for India and Pakistan are examined in this chapter. The analysis is based on scholarly research press reports and original data from the World Bank and the UN. </em></p> Muhammad Shoaib Syed Shahida Awan Tallat Yasmin Ghulam Mustafa Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Shoaib Syed, Shahida Awan, Tallat Yasmin, Ghulam Mustafa 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 6 3 116 133 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.269 The Digital Echo: The Influence of Digital Marketing Channels on Brand Awareness and Consumer Purchase Decisions <p><em>This study explore the impact of the digital marketing strategies ( Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Content Marketing and Online Advertising) on brand awareness while investigating to what extent does this resulting effect subsequent affects consumer purchase decisions. Understanding these relationships can allow businesses to tailor their marketing programs to produce higher brand visibility and an increased flow of consumers. The study employed quantitative research design and data was collected using online survey questionnaire from 265 respondents. Data analysis was performed using SmartPls software. The results of the study suggest that Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Content marketing and Online Advertising all have positive relationship in designed model with brand awareness. Moreover, the research demonstrates that consumers are more likely to purchase based on brand recognition. This study found strong relationships between social media, email, content, online advertising, brand awareness, and purchasing decisions. Brand awareness increases purchasing intention and consumer loyalty. A personalized and integrated digital marketing strategy is needed since different digital marketing channels have different effects on brand awareness and buying decisions. This study adds to the literature by showing how digital marketing methods affect brand awareness and purchasing decisions. This study helps marketers optimize their digital marketing strategies and improve brand performance in the digital age by explaining the complex relationship between digital marketing and customer behavior. It also emphasizes the need for a comprehensive strategy to digital marketing, since digital channels influence consumer perceptions and buying behavior.</em></p> Asif Iqbal Salman Ahmed Khan Muhammad Tahir Abbasi Faisal Ismail Junaid Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Asif Iqbal, Salman Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Tahir Abbasi, Faisal Ismail, Junaid Khan 2024-09-13 2024-09-13 6 3 134 155 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.274 Enhancing Support for Slow Learners Evaluating Inclusive Education Models in Contemporary Classrooms <p><em>Present study assesses the effectiveness of inclusive education frameworks in supporting slow learners, a student needs&nbsp;extra time and resources to achieve academic success. The objective is to include these students in regular classes&nbsp;to promote fairness and social unity. Qualitative research study supported by six teachers working in primary, elementary, and secondary institutions in Karachi. The data collected provided thematic analysis identifying key challenges, strategies, and impacts in the implementation of inclusive education toward children with learning difficulties. Findings also show that though the models of inclusive education may uplift the slow learners both in academic performance and self-esteem, their effectiveness depends on adequate resources, flexible curriculum, and comprehensive training for teachers. Individual education plans and differentiated instruction are also identified as important. Future research has to be based on longitudinal studies and comparative studies across different cultural contexts of inclusive education models with specific attention to teacher preparation and the perspectives of slow learners.</em></p> Muhammad Imran Lubna Oad Zakia Ghafoor Jat Abdul Hafeez Zehara Sultana Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad I Imran, Lubna Oad, Zakia Ghafoor Jat, Abdul Hafeez, Zehara Sultana 2024-09-13 2024-09-13 6 3 156 177 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.268 Exploring User Predispositions, Usage Patterns, and the Bandwagon Effect on Instagram and Snapchat <p><em>The current study explores the interactive effects of social media (Instagram and Snapchat) on the bandwagon effect. A sample size of 659 undergraduate students from Pakistani Universities is selected using probability sampling techniques and a self-developed survey questionnaire was distributed among the participants to measure the prevalence of the bandwagon effect.</em></p> Adeel Ahmad Aamir Tayyeb Ramazan Shamsa Jamil Copyright (c) 2024 Adeel Ahmad Aamir, Tayyeb Ramazan, Shamsa Jamil 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 6 3 178 193 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.266 Free Float and Stock Liquidity: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange <p><em>Liquidity has become increasingly important in the stock market, highlighting its vital role in enabling high-volume trading with minimal price distortion, speed, and convenience. This study is carried out to examine the relationship between free float and stock market liquidity using different ratios and models namely, Amihud, Amivest and turnover. For this purpose, a sample of top 100 listed companies are selected from Pakistan Stock exchange (PSX) from 2013 to 2022. An inverse relationship between free float and liquidity was found using Amihud ratio whereas turnover ratio supports the notion of improved liquidity with increased free float. This study highlights the importance of free float in capital markets and offers practical advice for businesses and individuals navigating the complexities of stock liquidity. While our paper contributes to the current body of literature, it also invites additional investigation by bringing in a variety of variables and broadening the focus outside of Pakistan's KSE 100 index companies.</em></p> Umama Jadoon Syed Qasim Shah Asim Iqbal Hasan Raza Muhammad Mubeen Copyright (c) 2024 Umama Jadoon, Syed Qasim Shah, Asim Iqbal, Hasan Raza, Muhammad Mubeen 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 6 3 194 208 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.275 Antecedents of Representative Bias and Choice Decision: A Case of Major Cities of Pakistan <p><em>The main theme behind this study was to identify the factors that generate the representative bias phenomenon among individuals as because of this phenomenon people usually make irrational buying decisions. Representative bias, sometimes referred to as the representativeness heuristic, is when we base our conclusions or judgments on how individuals or circumstances conform to a specific prototype or stereotype. </em><em>Representative </em><strong><em>bias</em></strong><em>&nbsp;causes individual to categorize a situation on the basis of a pattern of earlier practices or opinions regarding the situation. It can be valuable when trying to make a rapid decision but it can also be restraining as it leads to close-mindedness for instance in stereotypes.</em> <em>For this study, semi-structured discussions with the professional people of major cities of Pakistan who are habitual in terms of shopping, and then reconfirm the answers by matching with existing literature and apply NVivo on their brief results to get a word-cloud for presuming the sure antecedents of representative bias, and check the context and content validity of the established scale by approving the scale subsequently the authorization of 5 language and 5 market experts. A self-developed semi-structured scale was used for data collection. The main population for this study was the professional people of major cities of Punjab who are habitual in terms of shopping. The conclusion of the study demonstrates that “choice of alternatives, environmental fluctuations, &amp; own perception” are the variables that strongly generates the representative bias phenomenon in any individual.</em></p> Muhammad Awais Muhammad Aqib Niaz Rabia Saghir Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Awais, Muhammad Aqib Niaz, Rabia Saghir 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 6 3 209 218 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.276 Brand Equity in Pakistan’s FMCG Sector: The Influence of Employee Engagement, Brand Orientation, CSR, and Organizational Culture <p><em>This study explores the relationships between employee engagement, brand orientation, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in enhancing brand equity in Pakistan's fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, using organizational culture as a moderator. Grounded in the Resource-Based View (RBV), this research highlights how internal organizational resources can provide sustainable competitive advantages through brand equity. A structured questionnaire was distributed to employees within FMCG firms, and data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results demonstrate that employee engagement, brand orientation, and CSR initiatives positively influence brand equity. Additionally, organizational culture significantly moderates the relationship between brand orientation and brand equity, while its moderating impact on employee engagement and CSR initiatives is less pronounced. The study offers valuable theoretical contributions by integrating internal factors within the RBV framework and practical insights for FMCG managers aiming to enhance brand equity. Limitations include the cross-sectional nature of the study and sector-specific focus. Future research should consider longitudinal approaches and explore additional moderating variables across different markets<strong>.</strong></em></p> Syed Ali Raza Syeda Anusha Gilani Muskan Elahi Arsalan Ahmed Asim Mubahsir Copyright (c) 2024 Syed Ali Raza, Syeda Anusha Gilani, Muskan Elahi, Arsalan Ahmed, Asim Mubahsir 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 3 219 240 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.280 Workplace Spirituality: A Catalyst for Job Satisfaction? Exploring Cultural and Gender Contingencies <p><em>Work-Place spirituality is on the fast track and those days are gone when scholars face problem in defining the same. Spirituality has deep relation with personality and all the linked abstracts with personality are in lab with workplace spirituality at current time. This study is one of the case of that chain where spirituality is observed with job satisfaction, organizational culture and role of gender. </em><em>The method for gathering the data was stratified random sampling. 457 replies were obtained from 500 teaching faculty members at several universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, who were given an approved questionnaire. </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>AMOS and SPSS Package-21 have been used to find analytical results. The tool's validity and dependability were guaranteed. Values for the model fit index were confirmed. The study has shown and analyzed the model's path coefficient with and without moderating and interaction factors. </em><em>It was discovered that Work-place Spirituality has encouraging behavior for job satisfaction of the employee and organizational culture further enhance the behavior while gender is unaware about the behavior of WPS. </em><em>The study's role in literature and industry has been defined. At the completion of this inquiry, there are limitations and recommendations based on the findings.</em></p> Abdul Latif Roman Ullah Ishfaq Ahmed Jamshid ur Rehman Habib Ullah Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Latif, Roman Ullah, Ishfaq Ahmed, Jamshid ur Rehman, Habib Ullah Khan 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 3 241 262 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.281 Effects of Procurement Strategies on Procurement Performance of Sugar Industry in Pakistan <p><em>This investigation aims to analyze the effect of procurement planning, staff competency, and green purchasing on procurement performance in the sugar industry of Pakistan. Procurement planning, staff competency, and green purchasing are independent variables and procurement performance is the dependent variable. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. Primary data was collected using questionnaires targeting employees of sugar industries in Pakistan. The quantitative research method was used to collect data. The study findings revealed that procurement planning had a positive and significant impact on the procurement performance whereas staff competence and green purchasing also had a strong positive and significant impact on the procurement performance of sugar manufacturing firms in Pakistan studied. The study recommends that all sugar manufacturing firms in Pakistan must implement efficient procurement practices to become more efficient in their operations. Particularly the study recommends that the organizations should enhance their planning and also ensure that procurement plans are adhered to, staff employed in the procurement department should be competent, and that there should be training opportunities for the staff.</em></p> Rao Muhammad Zeeshan Zaman Fakhira Tahrim Sajjad Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Rao Muhammad Zeeshan Zaman, Fakhira Tahrim, Sajjad Ahmad 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 6 3 263 278 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.283 Stereotype Images of Librarian: Content Analysis <p><em>Librarians have to face discrimination by faculty, users, and public. Various type of labels &amp; images have become the recognition of librarian. The systematic literature was used to highlight the stereotype images of librarian, were framed and analyzed with the help of Pareto analysis. Theory of taxonomy is proposed and discussed. Findings revealed that “strictness” is a most observed and discussed as stereotype image in literature.&nbsp; The study also proposed to control and change the image of strictness, as according to the 20:80 rule of pareto analysis, solution of 20% problems ultimately will resolve rest of 80% problems. Likewise, 20% change of strictness in behavior can resolve other 80% problems.</em></p> Majda Jalal Copyright (c) 2024 Majda Jalal 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 3 279 289 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.182 Cultural Competence of Social Workers with Deaf People <p><em>This research work focuses on understanding the opinion of social workers about physical and cultural competencies of deaf clients. The physical and cultural competency of deaf people were evaluated from the view point of social workers. Furthermore views of social workers about necessary counselling and corrective treatments for deaf clients were also studied. The deaf individuals need assistance from the society for which we need to understand their various challenges (Thumann &amp; Simms, 2009). For this purpose, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to analyze the cultural competence of social workers who deal with deaf people in their daily routines. To analyses our variables 60 social workers from Lahore were recruited through convenience sampling technique to participate in a quantitative survey that was based on Attitudes to Deafness Scale made by Cooper, Rose, &amp; Mason in 2004. Outcomes of the survey indicated that social workers belonging to Lahore mostly had positive views about the deaf community. However, improved exposure to deaf community and better familiarity with how to work with interpreters may encourage more positive attitude in practitioners. Hearing impaired clients should note be seen as disabled individuals rather with necessary support they can excel in various social platforms. It is very crucial for deaf people to receive help in their home and work environment. Their families should be provided necessary counselling and training for helping their hearing impaired family members. Initiatives are required both at community and government level to elevate life’s of hearing impaired clients.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> Zainab Shafaat Fatima Munawar Hafiza Saadia Sharif Copyright (c) 2024 Zainab Shafaat, Fatima Munawar, Hafiza Saadia Sharif 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 3 290 289 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.284 How does Responsible Leadership influence OCB? The Mediating role of Employee Engagement <p><em>To achieve sustainable success, Responsible Leadership has evolved as an important topic of interest impacting employees’ related outcomes in recent years. Drawing on social exchange theory, this research aimed to examine the intermediatory role of employee engagement in the relationship between responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. For this, a quantitative approach for data collection through self-administered questionnaire has been used from 180 private schools’ teachers of Lahore.&nbsp; The findings revealed not only the positive significant impact of responsible leadership on organizational citizenship behaviors but also confirms the mediating effect of employees’ engagement. This research presents valuable theoretical as well as practical implications for school administrators to realize the importance of responsible leadership and employee engagement in fostering OCB.</em></p> Aqsa Akbar Fahmeed Idrees Nauman Ahmad Syed Mehmoona Naveed Alysha Ifraz Copyright (c) 2024 Aqsa Akbar, Fahmeed Idrees, Nauman Ahmad Syed, Mehmoona Naveed, Alysha Ifraz 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 3 301 313 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.287 Syrian Civil War and Its Implication on Regional Politics <p><em>Syria's strategic location at the crossroads of the Middle East, combined with its rich cultural diversity, has long made it a key player in regional politics. The ongoing Syrian war, which is in its tenth year, has serious effects on regional stability and international security. This article explains the importance of Syria's geopolitical position, its historical background and the serious impact of the war on the political region. Examining the complexity of war, its consequences, and international cooperation, this article highlights the complexity of the conflict and its profound impact on the Middle East and beyond. Religious landscape as a concept of place also adds to the complexity of the conflict. It analyzes the role of various regional and international actors, including Iran, Russia, the United States, and the European Union, in exacerbating or easing the conflict. Additionally, the article discusses the humanitarian crisis, the rise of terrorist groups and the impact of the war on neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. He emphasizes that a political solution is needed for long-term security and peace in the Middle East. Examining the war, its consequences, and international cooperation, this article sheds light on the ongoing conflict between Syria and the future of the region; It sheds light on policymakers, academics, and anyone trying to understand the complexity of this important issue.</em></p> Afira Mujeeb Imran Wakil Bilal Bin Liaqat Adnan Nawaz Copyright (c) 2024 Afira Mujeeb, Imran Wakil, Bilal Bin Liaqat, Adnan Nawaz 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 3 314 322 10.56976/rjsi.v6i3.286